If you’re looking for dollar store crafts for Valentine’s Day for your kids these quick & easy Tic-Tac-Toe valentines bags are made with a Cricut machine. Valentine’s Tic Tac Toe Bags are the perfect classroom Valentine for kids.

Cricut Valentine’s Day Tic Tac Toe Bags
To make tic tac toe Valentine bags you’ll need a few items that you can grab at your local Dollar Tree plus your Cricut cutting machine.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Draw String Bags either 3×4 or 4×6 in size
- Small Hearts – These are vase fillers
- Iron-On or HTV – Black and Pink
- Heatpress or Iron
Open your Design Space software and upload your Tic-Tac-Toe SVG into it. Here is a fun valentines tic tac toe bag design. Cricut Design Space also has a tic tac toe board #M12D351FF.
While in Design Space find a heart you like, I went with #MA0596, and then pick out a font you like for the name. I used the font A Child’s Year which is a Cricut Font.
Size your designs to fit on your bag. The bags I used are from Michael’s since my local Dollar Tree was out of bags. They’re 3×4″ so I sized my designs to be 2.5″. These ones on Amazon are the same.
Next, you’ll cut out your designs on Iron-On or HTV. Don’t forget to mirror!
For the names and Tic-Tac-Toe board, I used black Cricut Iron-On and for the heart I used Pink. You could also do red, white, or purple for the hearts and can change up the color by gender. I know some boys won’t like pink.

Weed your designs.
For this project, you could use any size EasyPress or HeatPress that you have, but I used my Mini EasyPress and it was perfect for the job.

Press the Iron-On or HTV per the manufacturer settings. For my Mini EasyPress I put it on the second heat line and pressed for about 10 seconds. Press the Tic-Tac-Toe board on one side and then flip it over and do the heart and name on the other side.

When layering the heart and name you’ll want to press the heart first, peel the transfer tape, place the name down over the heart, and then place the transfer tape for the heart OVER the names transfer tape. You’ll want to make sure all of your Iron-On or HTV is covered with the transfer tape so it doesn’t stick to your press.

Next you’ll fill them up with Red & Pink hearts. I give 5 of each color, just in case someone loses one. If you can’t find the heart table scatters at Dollar Tree there are several similar options available on Amazon! You could even cut out your own pieces with felt and your Cricut machine.
Valentine Tic Tac Toe bags are perfect to give out as classroom Valentine’s. I would only do this with kids who are a little older since the hearts can be a choking hazard. Give them to classmates, friends, family, and neighbors. They’re also great to keep in a purse or car for when you’re out to dinner, traveling, or out and about and need something to entertain your kids with.

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